
As an advocate for sharing knowledge and experience with the next generation of scientists and young professionals, I am always excited to participate in talks, seminars, workshops, or lectures on scientific and non-scientific (career-related) topics. I have compiled a teaching portfolio that provides an overview of my teaching experience, a selection of lecture and workshop topics that I am eager to teach, and my teaching statement. Please refer to this document for more information.


Teaching portfolio


“Women in Imaging” Bootcamp
Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States of America

“Widening the Lens” Microscopy Education Program [link]
Lecturer, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
Nashville, TN, United States of America

NIH FAES: Imaging – From IF and FISH to Automated and Confocal Microscopy [link]
Instructor of the image processing & analysis bootcamp, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America

Fiji Image Processing and Analysis Workshop
Instructor of the Superresolution Data Handling Module
Turku Bioscience Center, Turku, Finland
2020 – 2022

NIH FAES: Super Resolution workshop [link]
Basis Principles, sample preparation, data processing and analysis with and without deep learning for STED, SIM, and SMLM.
Instructor, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
2020 – 2021

Fiji Macro Programming
Instructor, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America

DECODE for Single Molecule Localization Microscopy [link]
at the From Imaging to Knowledge with ImageJ and Friends conference
Instructor, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America

2019 – 2021

NIH FAES: Image Processing and Analysis workshop [link]
Basic and advanced topics in image processing and analysis (e.g., fundamentals of digital images, object segmentation, Fourier transformation, volumetric and intensity measurements, co-localization analysis). Hands-on sessions with Fiji/ImageJ.
Instructor, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America

Open Science in Imaging and Microscopy [link]
at the Junior Scientist Workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy
Instructor, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America

Advanced Imaging Techniques in Biomedical Sciences (summer intern journal club) [link]
Leader, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America

Introduction to microscopy (graduate course)
Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, Massachusetts, United States of America

Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences (summer intern journal club) [link]
Leader, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America

Advanced physics laboratory course for physics students (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

Experimental Physics III: Optics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Experimental Physics IV: Quantum, atomic and molecular physics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

Theoretical Physics I: Theoretical Mechanics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

Theoretical Physics II: Electrodynamics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany


Selected lecture and workshop topics

  • Physics, Optics, and Microscopy (undergraduate and graduate courses)
  • Mathematics (undergraduate courses)
  • Microscope design and development
  • Advanced light microscopy
  • Imaging processing and analysis (for life scientists)
  • Machine learning and its application in microscopic image analysis
  • Statistical methods for large datasets
  • Data science (with Python/R)
  • Big Data
  • Women in Science/Tech
  • Gender Empowerment
  • Defining and Pursuing Career Goals
  • Building a Career in Science
  • Navigating Your Career
  • Mentorship
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Grit and Resilience
  • Networking
  • Personal branding


Teaching statement

You can find my teaching statement in PDF format here.


Please feel free to contact me regarding availability and information of selective topics. I am happy to give seminars or lectures remotely or onsite at your institution or event.