As an advocate for sharing knowledge and experience with the next generation of scientists and young professionals, I am always excited to participate in talks, seminars, workshops, or lectures on scientific and non-scientific (career-related) topics. I have compiled a teaching portfolio that provides an overview of my teaching experience, a selection of lecture and workshop topics that I am eager to teach, and my teaching statement. Please refer to this document for more information.
Teaching portfolio
- 2022
- “Women in Imaging” Bootcamp
Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States of America
- 2022
- “Widening the Lens” Microscopy Education Program [link]
Lecturer, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
Nashville, TN, United States of America
- 2021
- NIH FAES: Imaging – From IF and FISH to Automated and Confocal Microscopy [link]
Instructor of the image processing & analysis bootcamp, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
- 2021
- Fiji Image Processing and Analysis Workshop
Instructor of the Superresolution Data Handling Module
Turku Bioscience Center, Turku, Finland
- 2020 – 2022
- NIH FAES: Super Resolution workshop [link]
Basis Principles, sample preparation, data processing and analysis with and without deep learning for STED, SIM, and SMLM.
Instructor, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
- 2020 – 2021
- Fiji Macro Programming
Instructor, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America
- 2020
- DECODE for Single Molecule Localization Microscopy [link]
at the From Imaging to Knowledge with ImageJ and Friends conference
Instructor, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America
- 2019 – 2021
- NIH FAES: Image Processing and Analysis workshop [link]
Basic and advanced topics in image processing and analysis (e.g., fundamentals of digital images, object segmentation, Fourier transformation, volumetric and intensity measurements, co-localization analysis). Hands-on sessions with Fiji/ImageJ.
Instructor, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
- 2019
- Open Science in Imaging and Microscopy [link]
at the Junior Scientist Workshop on Biological Optical Microscopy
Instructor, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America
- 2018
- Advanced Imaging Techniques in Biomedical Sciences (summer intern journal club) [link]
Leader, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
- 2017
- Introduction to microscopy (graduate course)
Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, Massachusetts, United States of America
- 2017
- Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences (summer intern journal club) [link]
Leader, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America
- 2011
- Advanced physics laboratory course for physics students (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
- 2011
- Experimental Physics III: Optics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
- 2010
- Experimental Physics IV: Quantum, atomic and molecular physics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
- 2009
- Theoretical Physics I: Theoretical Mechanics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
- 2008
- Theoretical Physics II: Electrodynamics (undergraduate course)
Teaching Assistant, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Selected lecture and workshop topics
- Scientific:
- Physics, Optics, and Microscopy (undergraduate and graduate courses)
- Mathematics (undergraduate courses)
- Microscope design and development
- Advanced light microscopy
- Imaging processing and analysis (for life scientists)
- Machine learning and its application in microscopic image analysis
- Statistical methods for large datasets
- Data science (with Python/R)
- Big Data
- Non-Scientific:
- Women in Science/Tech
- Gender Empowerment
- Defining and Pursuing Career Goals
- Building a Career in Science
- Navigating Your Career
- Mentorship
- Imposter Syndrome
- Grit and Resilience
- Networking
- Personal branding
Teaching statement
You can find my teaching statement in PDF format here.
Please feel free to contact me regarding availability and information of selective topics. I am happy to give seminars or lectures remotely or onsite at your institution or event.